What Does Travel Insurance Cover?

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If you're about to head off traveling, whether it's a business trip, a beach bum holiday or a round-the-world no-holds-barred adventure, you need travel insurance. Anything can happen, and often does - looking at the annual statistics showing the thousands of travellers who get into sticky situations. It's important to know exactly what your travel insurance covers, so you know if you're getting the right cover for you.

What's Normally Included

The following areas are normally covered by travel insurance, but it's important to know to what extent. For example, if you buy certain budget options, you may well be covered for theft of property, but if your laptop is worth $2000, it's a bit pointless if your policy only covers you up to $500. You should also look at the 'excess' - this is the amount you need to pay yourself in the event of a claim, before any payments are made back to you.

o Overseas medical/hospital expenses: The amount you are covered for can differ wildly depending on which policy you opt for. If you have a pre-existing condition, the company should be aware of it, or your cover may be void.

o Overseas emergency medical assistance: As above, if travelling to countries with high healthcare costs, such as the USA, it's a good idea to have this one marked 'unlimited'.

o Luggage/Personal Effects: Consider the figure given for this - if you are travelling with particularly expensive equipment, it should be covered. This also covers travel documents.

o Accidental Death: Arguably benefiting your loved ones more than you, but worth considering.

o Permanent Disability: Most policies cover this.

o Delayed Luggage Allowance: If your clothes arrive a week after you, you might need some fresh ones.

o Personal Liability: If you cause an accident, you'll need to pay damages.

o Cash: Cover for money stolen from your person.

o Cancellation Fees and Lost Deposits: If for any (good) reason you are forced to cancel or delay your trip, such as illness or poor weather.

o Alternative Transport Expenses: such as in the event of flight cancellation

o Additional Expenses: a whole range of unforeseen circumstances can lead to you incurring extra costs.

o Hijacking: An unlikely one, but expensive policies often cover for this. If you're not worried, don't fork out for it.

o Loss of Injury: Again, some more expensive policies will cover you if you sustain an injury overseas and cannot work upon returning to Australia.

o Travel Services Provider Insolvency: In the unlikely event of your airline going bust before you have a chance to board, some policies will have you covered.

Top 5 things to look out for when choosing travel insurance

Many people find it a pain buying insurance, but make sure you don't get caught out!

1. Ensure that if you're likely to do a dangerous activity, such as paragliding or scuba diving, that you check if you're covered for it - many insurance companies hate such activities as they cost them too much money.

2. Make sure that you have enough cover. Medical costs can be huge in certain countries, while budget insurance deals can leave you paying for half of your stolen camera despite being covered. If you're carrying a lot of expensive gear, make sure you're covered for all of it. Also, check what the excess is. If you have to pay $100 and your MP3 player that accidentally went scuba diving with you was five years old already, think twice.

3. Do you have existing medical conditions? You might not be covered - so own up before to make sure.

4. Other general exclusions include acts of war, loss of property due to extreme carelessness, or self-inflicted injury.

5. And finally, make sure you are covered for the full duration of your trip - a common error is to get international dates mixed up - just because your Sydney-bound flight leaves L.A. on the 14th, doesn't mean it's still the 14th when you arrive! Last minute bungles do happen!

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Room For Hire - A Bed and Breakfast Business

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So often in the past, I have spoken to people who had a home in foreclosure. They often made the statement "if I had only taken in a border."

This is definitely an option for people who can't afford their mortgage notes and have extra rooms or a basement at their homes.

The biggest dilemma about taking in a border is that no one wants to take in anyone who has children, since children are often destructive to properties. But for many, it's been a very big mistake!

Now due to this continuous failing economy and administration, it's time to be strategic and your number one goal should be to keep a roof over your head. If you have food on the table, and you are in fairly good health and have a roof over your head, then you need to count your blessings everyday.

Do you have an extra room or two or a basement that you could rent out? If you do, then you can be in the Bed and Breakfast (B&B) business.

In these times, in order to keep their heads above water, many families are building extra rooms on their homes to offer to paying family members or tenants. You can turn your home into a Bed and Breakfast business or restore a building that has the potential of being rental units. You might have to reside at the property, managing and maintaining the business and satisfying license requirements.

For people with rentals (condos, houses, etc.) that they can't sell, you can turn them into a Bed and Breakfast business for short term or long term lodging. Remember this is your B&B and you might just want to look into long term lodging options such as boarding for 30, 60, 90 days or even 6 months or longer. For short term lodging options, you will need to decide if you are going to accept one night stays on Friday and Saturday night or should you wait to try to get a 2 night booking for your rooms every weekend.

Remember the weekdays might be emptier than the weekends but you need to consider your market before adopting this sort of strategy. For example, if you're next to a wedding venue, you may need to be more flexible about one night stays as these guests tend to only want to come for one night.

When you first set up your B&B, you may want to test the waters and see what sort of guests you get before you make a decision about whether to exclude, for example, children. Running the B&B should not adversely affect your business if you except children under 12.

Can you or should you risk turning anyone away? Remember you can always put new terms and conditions in place. After all you are the boss!

If you're right next to the best children's theme park in the country, you will probably benefit from having a children friendly B&B.

It may actually improve your bookings if you have a 'no children policy' for many parents staying for a romantic break that have left their own kids at home. If people have gone to the effort of finding a babysitter for a childfree weekend, they will probably not want to be faced by someone else's 5 year old over breakfast.

Creating a home away from home which is often more beautiful than where they are traveling from will ensure many return customers.

Similar to tourists who choose to stay in traditional hotels, customers who patronize B&Bs seek out relaxation, fun and stress management while on vacation.

The B&B industry offers a unique lodging environment, which caters to an ever increasing group of travelers. They create a climate of home, where guests become temporary members of a larger family.

In a B&B, a guest is a guest in one's home, not a customer. It becomes a place to return to at the end of a day, or during the next vacation (like going home). This type of customer also prefers comfortable accommodations in a cozy, family environment. These patrons are more social, they love meeting new people while at the same time require enough privacy to enjoy their vacation.

Guests will have the right mix of membership and privacy. The goal is to be dutiful without being intrusive which can be a delicate balance and one that owners have mastered in their various walks of life.

A B&B opens itself to guests, allowing them to participate and share in the richness of a community, while still allowing whatever degree of privacy is preferred.

A variety of settings available in the B&B are situated to enable individuals or small groups to locate the perfect setting for whatever mood or activity one is pursuing (reading, watching television, playing board games, etc.).

You could eventually expand your services to the residents by offering adjourning rooms which open creating a large area, ideal for formal or informal gatherings (i.e. wedding receptions, office parties, Christmas parties, etc.).

You don't have to serve a huge breakfast. In fact, a bowl of cereal with coffee and some juice is acceptable. Meals can be shared with the innkeepers and other travelers allowing new relationships to be created and old ones enriched. Or, meals can be taken in the privacy of the guest's room.

Some other items you could offer your guests are a complimentary music CD for each room that the guest may keep (copy included in packet):
1) An extensive video and audio library for guest use,
2) CD stereo systems and VCRs in each room,
3) Starbucks coffee,
4) A variety of herbal teas,
5) Daily fresh-baked muffins and fresh fruit, and
6) Links to other businesses, attractions and services in the area.

If you are considering this idea, you should call your insurance company and ask them to review your policy. Should you beef up your liability coverage? Do tenants need to sign contracts for long term lodging? Should you hire a private investigator to run a background on your guests? Should you check credit references?

Remember you are going to be the one setting up the rules so first of all you have to make sure you are not breaking the law and, secondly, how the rules you set will affect your business.

You need to check into legislation to ensure you and your tourism business stay on the right side of the law. For example, you need to ensure that the rules you set do not break any discrimination laws by not allowing people on grounds of race, sex, sexual orientation or disability to stay at your B&B. And you also need to be careful that you aren't discriminating against people.

You also need to consider how the rules you set will affect your business. Some of the things you need to think about is will you be flexible allowing children, assistance dogs, one night stays, cooking evening meals, etc.

In order to be successful in a B&B, you can offer packages and special rates. You need to build a strong market position among the local patrons. With the right exposure, it is probably an untapped market of vacationers that can be enticed to your B&B.

B&B can sell its rooms directly to repeat customers, as well as via traditional travel agents and through the internet. Repeat customers will have the privilege of priority reservations during the high season. Subscriptions to various web services will provide international exposure to potential customers for annual fees.

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Travel Insurance - Over 70

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Are you over 70 thinking about going traveling in the next couple of years? You should ensure that you get travel insurance over 70 for your health coverage. Travel insurance for seniors is specially designed to meet the need of the demographic.

The first thing you should do when you want to get insurance is do your research online. By looking up different companies that offer travel insurance for people over 70, you can ensure that you save money. The most important thing you should look for when getting your insurance is to know the coverage.

Because people over 70 are more likely to get sick, have an accident or emergency happen to them, it is important that your insurance covers many different types of potential problems. Does the insurance cover medical insurances, repatriation just in case you need to be flown home or any other emergency procedures? Look for an insurance that provides good price to value ratio. This means that the price you pay for your insurance gives you the best coverage possible.

Another consideration you should take when getting old age travel insurance is to choose whether you will get a multi-trip or single trip insurance policy. If you think you will be traveling for more than once in a year then you would be better off financially to get the multi-trip coverage. This will allow you to come and go without having to worry about your insurance coverage.

Remember that the most important thing to do when you get travel insurance over 70 is to look around and find the best value. Go online and do your research for different companies that over different packages available. Make sure when you go traveling that you are always protected with insurance.

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What Credit Card Should You Have In Your Wallet

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One of the most often asked questions I get is what credit card is the best? I believe that the differences between one credit card and the next, lies in the perks and add-ons and whether or not you take advantage of them. Instead of delving into credit card offers, I would rather discuss the perks and let you decide which one best suits your needs.

1) Car Insurance: Car rental companies are not shy when charging for insurance. They demand you have proper coverage and it they will charge you $10.00-$20.00 per day. Over the course of a year, this can save you thousands.

2) Cancellation and Interruption insurance: While this is a nice add-on you must be careful as to the amount of the interruption aspect. Some cards only offer a maximum of $2000.00 which would mean that the insurance provider will only pay up to a fee of $2000.00 if you have to come home earlier or later than your expected date (for emergency reasons only). Do you think you can get a one way ticket from the Orient back to United States for tomorrow for under $2000.00? I can tell you I don't think so. You must verify the amounts they cover.

3) Medical Insurance: While most credit cards do not offer medical insurance, with those that do please verify age and health restrictions

4) Credit card points for travel: You must verify the rate of return of your expenses (i.e. some cards offer 5 cents per dollar spent, while other offer dollar for dollar or even better) and what the buying power is for your points (i.e. how many points equals one dollar of value) Some credit card companies state that you can always use their points to purchase a ticket. What they don't tell you is how many points will be needed, so some days it could cost 20,000 points while the next day it can be 120,000 points for the same itinerary.

5) Credit card points for retail companies: As stated above, you must verify the value and will you spend that much in that particular store?

6) Credit card points that are transferable to airline frequent flyer companies: This is a tricky one. Most of these companies will offer a rate of point for point with the frequent flyer company (every dollar spent is a frequent flyer point {50,000 credit card points is 50,000 frequent flyer points}). The major problem is you now must rely on the frequent flyer program to have availability which is iffy at best.

7) Cash back options: Some credit cards will offer 1%-2 ½% cash back at the end of the year. The simple reality here is that if you are not a traveler get a card with a cash back option and at the end of the year buy yourself something like a 60 inch flat screen TV.

Aside from the insurances and assuming you are a traveler, I recommend getting a card that offers 2 options. The 1st being the ability to transfer points into a frequent flyer company because if there is seat availability this option gives you the most bang for the buck (Best example is most frequent flyer companies will charge 125,000 frequent flyer points for a business class ticket to the Orient. The same 125,000 credit card points will equal $1250.00 which is an amazing deal for the Orient.) while converting your credit card points to "travel dollars" or "retail dollars" is not a bad second choice

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Am I Covered? Travel Insurance and Acts of God

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Cheap annual travel insurance is hugely popular amongst UK holiday goers, allowing them to travel when and where they wish without having to worry about booking travel insurance for every single trip. Many people assume that their cheap travel insurance will cover them against every eventuality, but this isn't the case. There are plenty of exclusions in the average document, and one of the most well known but least understood of these is the "acts of God" exclusion. What do travel insurance companies mean by an act of God? And what might not be covered by your annual travel insurance?

What are "Acts of God"?

Traditionally, "acts of God" was a standard exclusion clause that featured in many different kinds of insurance; travel, housing, property and so on. Essentially, it refers to "a sudden and violent act of nature that could not have been foreseen or prevented", typically meaning natural disasters such as:

Hurricanes and tempests
Lightning storms
Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

Mass outbreaks of infectious diseases are also often classed as "acts of God" (perhaps in some kind of biblical reference to the seven plagues of ancient Egypt!). Essentially, the exclusion clause means that if an event is classed as an act of God, any costs that you incur as a result of it may not be covered by your travel insurance, and you will not be entitled to any compensation from your insurance company.

Nowadays, an actual "acts of God" exclusion isn't always in a travel insurance policy, but most insurers still have similar exclusions in place under different names, such as "natural disasters". It may seem like a chore, but you really do need to read your policy carefully before you go - if you think you are covered for something and you aren't, you could end up paying a small fortune in medical and transport costs. When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and Florida, hundreds of holiday goers found themselves caught out, unable to claim compensation for the costs incurred or the cancellation of their trips.

If you are traveling to a place that has a risk of natural disasters, make sure you talk to your travel insurance company to make sure your insurance will protect you.

What about Acts of War and Acts of Terrorism?

While acts of God is one of the most well known exclusion clauses, in today's international climate, terrorism is also a common exclusion. Much like natural disasters, if you incur costs or your holiday is canceled because of terrorism, your travel insurance may well be invalid. If terrorism is a potential hazard for your destination of choice, check that your worldwide travel insurance will cover you against acts of terrorism - some insurers do provide this kind of protection, but many do not.

Most policies will be invalidated by serious civil unrest or if war breaks out in a country while you are traveling there - the Foreign Office website is the best place to visit to check up on the political stability of your holiday destination, as it provides up to date and accurate information about the potential hazards of every country in the world.

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The Importance of Travel Insurance

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Even the best planned vacations can be interrupted by glitches and emergencies. You lose your luggage. You slip, or catch a bug, and need medical treatment. These not only disrupt your itinerary, but can cost you a lot of money.

That's where travel insurance (also called travel protection) comes in. Specially designed to address the situations and risks involved in travel, it provides coverage from the moment you leave, to the moment you return to your home.

For example, travel insurance can reimburse you for any baggage or items that you may lose during your trip. This is particularly important if you plan to buy anything of high value, such as local antiques, or are carrying very expensive jewellery or electronic equipment.

Your standard medical insurance also tends to be limited to a network area, so without travel insurance, you will have to pay for any hospitalization or medical treatments you receive while abroad. This can be very pricey, not to mention stressful: imagine being sick and broke in an unfamiliar country! If you are visiting a place where doctor's bills and other emergency procedures are expensive, or where there are very real health risks, travel insurance is absolutely crucial.

Travel insurance is also very important if you plan to take a driving vacation. Many automobile policies will not extend coverage outside the country you live. The last thing you want to worry about is how to pay for a rental vehicle that got smashed by another driver, or take over the costs of repairing a car who you may have hit (a risk anyone takes by travelling through unfamiliar roads with unfamiliar driving rules).

Travel insurance can also provide protection against emergencies that are so specific to going abroad that they cannot be covered by your standard insurance policy. This includes trip interruption. Any fees or down payments that you may have made that would otherwise have been forfeited if you had suddenly cancelled your trip will be returned to you.

Travel protection plans can also provide assistance services like an emergency hotline and medical transportation services. This is very valuable when a crisis hits in a foreign country, where you may not speak the language or know your way around a city well enough to locate the nearest emergency facility. When you are distraught or distressed, or when time is of the essence and you need to get help right away, travel protection plans can be your safety net. You may be a stranger in a strange land, but you are not alone.

You may ask, "Why should I get travel insurance when I have really good regular insurance?" Many people are under the impression that their automobile, homeowners' credit card and medical policies are so "extensive" that they would automatically provide protection anywhere in the world. That is not necessarily true. You need to read the fine print. If you don't, and fail to take the additional coverage given by travel protection, then you may find out your insurance policies' limitation the hard way: when you are caught in an emergency, and spending a large amount of money (on top of the deductibles and co-payments) with the hope of compensation very far off. Travel protection is a sure guarantee of security. Now you can take your vacation with complete peace of mind--and isn't that what vacations are about?

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A City Break Could Be Just What You Need But Don't Forget Travel Insurance

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If you are watching your finances during this seemingly endless recession, you might be getting a bit gloomy and in need of a holiday - a short city break could be just the thing to recharge your batteries. Contrary to reports, flight prices have not gone up massively and if you do some careful research you can get a good deal.

The same is true of travel insurance - you might be tempted to skip this to save some cash, but by carrying out a travel insurance comparison you will see you can secure cover from as little as £5. Though a city break is more often that not a short break, this doesn't mean luggage can't get lost or accidents don't happen. Once you've secured the travel insurance you need you can concentrate on the fun part - looking forward to your trip away.

Find The Perfect City For You

Paris regularly hits the top five and top ten lists of places to visit on a weekend break away - it's diverse culture and fabulous cuisine, world-famous landmarks and sublime shopping areas all make for an excellent short holiday. It's also a remarkably easy city to get around, the metro is cheap and efficient - and Parisians are even trying to shake off their legendary rude attitude to tourists so there's no need to worry if your French isn't up to scratch.

If you like to cram in a sunbathing session on a city break, Barcelona is the place for you - there are 4.2km of golden, sandy beaches just 10 minutes from the city centre. Of course it's also famous for the dramatic architecture of Antonio Gaudi whose weird and wonderful buildings are scattered all around the city.

For something a bit different, Warsaw, the capital of Poland, is also it's largest city and is emerging as a popular destination for a city break. It has more than thirty major theaters and has a bohemian, youthful atmosphere - the busy nightlife is full of the cities beautiful, trendy people. For something more sedate, the old town is a mesmerising area to wander around and has been incorporated into the Unesco World Heritage List.

More Holiday Cash Thanks To A Travel Insurance Comparison

Of course there are so many cities in the world to visit on a short break - far too many to list here. When you are on the internet researching exactly where you want to go, it's the ideal time to carry out a travel insurance comparison [http://uk.insurancewide.com/insurance/travel/] using one of the many comparison sites out there. It will be much cheaper than you may thing and the last thing you need on a much-needed city break of fun and relaxation is the stress of lost baggage or money, knowing you don't have any travel insurance.

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No One Likes to Be Treated Like a Mushroom

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Every day I interact with parents of small kids and it's amazing to hear the way that they speak to their kids. Rarely do I hear a parent explaining their reasons for asking a child to do something. Rather, the typical response is, "Because I said so." Also in speaking to parents about parenting, I can't count the number of times I've been told that kids in the 2-5 age group are "too young to understand" or "if I tell them (blank) that's all I'll hear for the next week."

Equally frustrating for me are the business owners and managers who treat their co-workers (they read this as employees) the same way. "It's none of their business", "Why should I share information with them, they'll tell the competition" I wholeheartedly disagree with both the mindset and the premise in both the parental setting and the workplace setting. Because why, you ask? B'cuz both informed kids and co-workers perform better when they know their parameters, their role and your expectations of them. I'll give you a quick example to illustrate each point.

Have you ever seen a scared, cranky, or bratty kid on a plane? We were about to take our then 3 year old twins on a trip involving a three hour flight that would begin really early in the morning. About two weeks before the trip we began talking about it, the airport, the people, security, the plane ride, expected behavior on the plane and some information about our destination. They asked lots of questions, we got a book about airports and took a ride up to the airport to watch the planes. The pre-planning paid off resulting in kids that knew what was coming. They weren't scared; they packed toys for the trip, enjoyed the travel and now are accomplished travelers with about 6,000 air miles under their belts. In all of those miles, we've had a total of one 5 minute meltdown, from each kid, and that was on a really bad 6 hour flight where some of the adults had longer tantrums.

Taking this to the office setting, at our firm we've always tried to keep our co-workers informed about new clients, why a client leaves the firm, expenses, income and what's ahead. We feel that this helps them focus on their job by controlling rumors and helping them understand that the company is stable and where we're planning to take it..

About 5 years ago, we gathered everyone together and piled $1.6 million in play money on the conference room table. We then pulled out the annual budget and played a guessing game to drive home what it cost to operate the business. Each time we subtracted money representing an expense, the pile got visibly smaller. When there was only about $15,000 left on the table, we announced how that pile (the bonus pool) was to be split.

The value to us was a group of informed coworkers who took hard looks at how they did their jobs and how we spent our money. In the end, we saved significant dollars because everyone was engaged in the process and making quality suggestions. The also knew exactly how much we spent each year taking care of them with benefits, insurance and such.

Take the time to inform and involve both your kids and your co-workers. Yes it takes time, but in the long run the time is better spent having pleasant conversations where people are engaged and learning something rather than having heated, stress-filled battles. Keeping everyone in the dark, like a mushroom in a forest, doesn't benefit anyone. There's also one other really good reason to do it: Because they're worth it!

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Understand Your Insurance Needs When Traveling Abroad

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Whether you are taking your maiden voyage or about to make your annual trip abroad understanding your insurance needs can ensure you are protected while in a foreign country. There are several different types of travel insurance and each is designed to provide coverage for specific needs. Before you pack your passport and head to the airport make sure you know what your insurance needs will be when traveling to avoid finding yourself in a situation where you are not covered.

The following tips can help you determine whether or not insurance is needed and if so what type will provide the best coverage:

Destination and duration- Where you are going and how long you intend on staying there will be factors in determining whether you need certain forms of insurance such as medical insurance. If you are traveling outside of your insurance providers coverage or if you do not have any medical insurance you may want to seriously consider traveler's medical insurance. This will provide coverage in the event you experience a medical emergency or need to visit a health care provider in a foreign country. Be sure to carefully review the types of insurance available to determine what each policy covers to avoid a situation where you think you are covered only to find out protection is not available. No one can predict when an accident or illness may call for medical insurance, however it is safe to assume the longer you plan on being abroad the chances of something happening will increase. Therefore the length of your trip can help you determine how risky your travels would be without insurance.

Determine what you are insuringg- Travel insurance and medical insurance are two different things that are often lumped together when people are considering insurance needs when traveling. Medical insurance protects you in the event you need medical treatment outside the coverage of your regular provider. Travel insurance covers what you take with you on your trip or your actual travel expenses themselves. For example if you are worried about arriving at your destination while your luggage gets lost in the Bermuda Triangle, you may want to purchase travel insurance to cover lost baggage. Sometimes referred to as trip insurance, you can also prevent losing money on prepaid trips or flights that are paid for in advance. Although there are specific situations that are covered by trip insurance, it can certainly provide protection for trips scheduled and paid for long before your departure date.

Shop around- Like all things in life, you should always shop around and compare rates and policies to find the best coverage at a competitive rate. Most travel insurance policies cover the same things, however they are not exact. What is covered by one policy may not be covered by another so read the policies carefully to ensure you are comparing apples and apples versus apples and oranges. Insurance is something that we all purchase with the hopes we never have to utilize. Unfortunately we can never predict when an accident or other situation will occur where you need coverage. While there are some types of insurance available in our daily lives that are not really necessary, travel insurance is certainly something you should consider when traveling abroad.

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Discover the Basics of Travel Insurance

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If you're planning to travel this year in business class, economy class or first class, go armed with travel insurance. While arranging your flight, you may be offered travel insurance along with the complete package. Take some time out to find out whether it is a better deal and better insurance coverage for the money you have spend.

1. Before starting find out how often you will travel this year. A single trip policy may be the best choice if you're making two to three trips in a year. Annual policies are also convenient if you're traveling quite often.
2. Items that are covered in travel insurance include stolen or lost baggage, jewelry, cash, travelers check. Pay attention to the listed limits on the coverage you select and keep them in mind when packing your trip.
3. Medical coverage will include cost of basic care and cost of air ambulance.
4. In 'New for Old Coverage' option, insurance carrier will pay the entire cost for replacing items that have been lost or stolen or entire cost of repairing an item that has been damaged.

Take some time out to research your best travel insurance options. By doing a little planning you can select the right holiday insurance based on your needs and at a price you can afford. Along with business class, economy class or first class, travel insurance can be purchased. Travel insurance is not purchased based on the class.


First thing you have to look for is price. In addition to price, compare benefits that each policy offers, exclusions and other product features. Always choose insurance during cooling off period. Find out whether or not the policy meets your needs. If you are dissatisfied with what you purchased, then just cancel it and claim a full refund. If you're a frequent traveler then you can save money by buying an annual multi-trip travel insurance policy. Credit card companies provide insurance coverage, if you buy tickets using their card.

Save money
Single or Annual policy:
Single trip policies can cover only one trip. But annual travel policies cover the traveler for every trip he or she takes in a year.

Europe or Worldwide cover:
If you're planning to take a trip to Europe then it is cheaper not to get worldwide cover and Europe only insurance cover is significantly cheaper.

Specialist policies:
People who are going in for long periods like "gap year" trip, then the best thing would be to look in for a specialist policy, because annual insurance policies have certain limit on the length of each trip which is generally 30 days. Travelers going in for adventurous activities like skiing or hang gliding, specialist policy may work.

Check for previous coverage of insurance:
Certain banks offer travel insurance facility with certain accounts, so those who have one of these need not pay again.

Traveler can go safely to the required destination once he has adequate insurance cover, knowing that if anything goes wrong he or she doesn't have to pay those expensive bills.

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The European Health Insurance Card and the Importance of Travel Insurance

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An article posted on fairinvestment.co.uk yesterday showed the current confusion over travel insurance. It highlighted that over the last year three and a half million British holidaymakers have travelled to Europe without travel insurance, under the assumption that the European Health Insurance Card alone provides adequate cover. So what exactly is the European Health Insurance Card and how does it compare to travel insurance?

The European Health Insurance Card was introduced in 2006 to replace the E111. The card allows you to have access to state healthcare in European Economic Area countries, such as Iceland, France and Spain, for a reduced fee and sometimes even for free. It costs nothing and needs to be renewed after five years, but it cannot be used by those who go abroad with the sole intention of receiving medical treatment.

The EHIC covers you if you need medical treatment while you are on holiday, this can include maternity care, dialysis, and conditions that may arise from illness or an accident whilst you are abroad. Also, if you do pay for treatment, an EHIC means you might be able to claim back the cost when you return to the UK.

Despite the obvious benefits of an EHIC, it cannot replace travel insurance. The EHIC does not cover you if you need private healthcare, or attention that is not provided by the state healthcare system. It will also not cover any travel costs, including rescue from a mountaintop via helicopter, or if you need to be brought back to the UK after an accident. It is also important to note that not all regions in the EEA necessarily have state healthcare, subsequently the EHIC will not be of much use in these areas.

Consequently, it is recommended that the European Health Insurance Card is used in conjunction with travel insurance, in fact some insurance companies only give travel insurance to customers who already have an EHIC. This is particularly important with the upcoming ski season, and many travellers hoping to hit the pistes at Christmas, whilst hoping to save as much money as possible.

The truth is that in the great scheme of going on holiday, travel insurance shouldn't be too expensive. Many companies, including Post Office, offer a 10 per cent discount online, and there are deals to suit every kind of traveller, whether you need single trip or annual cover - with the optional extras of customizing your package if you're planning on skiing or snowboarding.

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Adequate Accident Cover Saves You From Unnecessary Worry

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One of the most important deeds a person can do in his lifetime is get accident insurance with one company or another. There are various types of insurance available and accident cover should hold great priority. Nobody can predict when, where and how he or she will have an accident. Therefore, before something happens and you have to incur heavy losses and expenses it is better to have coverage and protect your finances.

Getting into an accident is always terrifying and having the right kind of insurance will only help you in your time of crisis. It is always advisable to carry a disposable camera in your automobile so you can record the damage done to it. Accident insurance does not merely cover the damage done to your vehicle, but it provides cover when accidents occur in other places as well.

It is wise for you to get insurance. Insurance gives you financial security in your hour of need. Insurance is also a great help to individuals with a family depending on them. However, insurance will not help you if the accident is due to your negligence. Keep your insurance papers handy so you do not have to worry about locating them in case of emergencies. Once you get accident insurance read over all papers carefully so you will be knowledgeable about what to do when an accident takes place. Read over the conditions of the policy, the declaration page and the agreements. Doing this will keep you educated on what is covered and what is not.

If you get involved in an auto accident and there is such serious damage to your car that it requires immediate replacement of original parts you should know how your insurance would handle that. Getting original parts will always be more costly than duplicate parts and accident cover will provide a lot of relief.

While shopping for accident insurance, find out about the types of accidents your insurance will cover. The premiums vary according to that. Your insurance agent will inform you of the different types of accident insurance some of which include flight insurance too. You can choose flight coverage that covers a single airplane trip or if you are a frequent traveler, you can choose annual coverage. There are provisions for group accident protection claims, which is a great help when you venture out on a family trip.

Different companies have different kinds of payouts that will mostly depend on the extent of damage that you have had to suffer. Insurance companies are always eager to give out work accident insurance, but they are always choosy about the kind of work that you do and the risks involved in it. A man involved in a risky job will find it difficult to be covered. There is road travel accident insurance that you can get before starting your trip. It will be applicable for that particular trip only. An adequate insurance cover will ensure that you will be provided for while you recuperate and keep your family above water.

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Pets - Man's Best Friends

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Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. - George Eliot

When I gave him the pain killing injection he just opened his eyes and blinked. He did not move, he just made a small sound. It was then that I began to acknowledge that my beloved dog Caesar was dying. Caesie as I loved to call him, came into our family in 1992. He could talk - he used to greet us in the morning by saying "Hello "and " Morning ". That used to both freak out and amuse people! He also loved to greet me by lifting his front right paw to shake hands. Caesar had a penchant for lifting up my skirt and looking under me. I was even advised by an elderly female relative to "not wear skirts around that dog - Mind he does not rape you". He was the ultimate alpha dog. He did not take kindly to any other male dog (at one time I had seven dogs and had to resort to inventive ways to separate him from the other males). At the time of his passing his companions were two female dogs. Even in his old age, he loved to exert his power over them.

I have always kept pets - not only dogs, but birds, guinea pigs,rabbits and fish and for a short time when I was in primary school, a lizard. That is until Mummy discovered my beloved Lizzie who lived in my bedside lamp shade. Well the rest is history - my Mummy killed Lizzie.

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word "pet" as "an animal that is tamed and treated with affection, kept for companionship or amusement". I estimate that more that half of Jamaican households have pets. They play an important part in our lives and many are treated as 'one of the family'. Pets provide a constant source of enjoyment, companionship and fun, and many thrive in a family and household environment.My pets make me feel good and I daresay that those good feelings stem from the unconditional love that I receive from them.

Many studies show that pets literally make their owners healthier. Research conducted by the University of Minnesota highlighted the importance of regular contact with domestic animals. According to this study, having a cat around the house can cut the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke by almost half. "For years we have known that psychological stress and anxiety are related to cardiovascular events, particularly heart attacks," says Dr Adnan Qureshi, executive director of the Minnesota Stroke Institute at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. According to Qureshi, the research shows that "essentially there is a benefit in relieving those inciting factors from pets". In a recent study, Dr Deborah Wells of Queen's University Belfast found that dog owners tend to suffer less from ill health, have lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. "It is possible that dogs can directly promote our well-being by buffering us from stress," says Dr Wells. A large-scale survey of more than 11,000 Australians, Chinese and Germans also proved pet-owners enjoy better health. Over a five year period, pet owners made 15 - 20% fewer annual visits to the doctor than non pet-owners. The results showed that the healthiest group - those who went to the doctor least - was those who continuously owned a pet. The unhealthiest groups were people who had never owned a pet, or no longer did. The benefit of pet ownership isn't limited to physical well-being. Owning a pet can help recently widowed people in dealing with stress in that they are able to talk to their animals at a time when they feel unable to share their feelings with other people.


In the United States, more than half of all nursing homes, clinics and hospitals use animals in a therapeutic capacity. The effect of dogs or cats is especially dramatic in the clinically depressed patient whose withdrawal can be lessened by the introduction of the pet.


Tests have revealed that stroking dogs and cats can lower the blood pressure and heart rate of humans. This may be related to the simple fact that caring for certain pets introduces added responsibilities, such as exercising the dog and leading a more active life.

Recovery from illness

Pets can aid recovery from illness. Research indicates that owning a pet can improve a person's chances of survival after a life-threatening illness such as a heart attack. Research by psychologist Dr June McNicholas showed that women with breast cancer reported significantly better feelings of control over their disease and treatment if they owned a pet. Animal owners also felt less disfigured after breast cancer surgery and more than 87 per cent said their pet provided them with support in their illness.


It has been scientifically proven that children who grew up with a pet developed better social skills and had a greater respect for all living things around them, than those who did not have the benefits of pet ownership. This happens because children learn that animals consistently show non-judgmental love and loyalty in addition to experiencing pain, hunger, illness and death. Pet ownership helps prepare them for life.

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Travel Insurance - Why You Mustn't Set Off Without It

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When you're booking an overseas holiday, travel insurance isn't always the uppermost thing on your mind - especially if you're heading to somewhere relatively close by.

But be warned - the cost of failing to take out adequate protection against issues such as lost luggage and medical treatment can be huge, with breaks to some countries resulting in bills of tens of thousands of pounds if you happen to injure yourself or fall ill.

Making sure to always take out the right travel insurance policy before you set off for your overseas break can help guard against such huge expenses.

Lost luggage

Losing your luggage can be stressful - more so if it wasn't your fault.

The Foreign & Commonwealth Office recommends taking out travel insurance rather than relying on airline compensation if your carrier loses your bags and suitcases in transit.

Airlines are required by law to pay a specific minimum amount per kilo of lost luggage to the traveller affected, which is likely to be far less than the actual worth of the belongings that have been mislaid.

Medical expenses

Medical bills can be huge in pretty much any foreign country if you haven't taken out the right travel insurance.

Figures from FirstAssist Services indicate that the cost of flying back to the UK with a doctor escort from Australia in the event of injuring yourself or becoming ill can be between £15,000 and £20,000.

If you need to head back home from the Canary Islands, this can cost up to £16,000, while those doing so from the east coast of the US will be required to pay between £35,000 and £45,000 if they do not have travel insurance.

What else?

Holiday insurance can cover a number of other issues when heading abroad.

For example, you can get policies that offer protection for personal liability if you are sued for damaging property or causing injury, as well as those offering cover for lost and stolen possessions and needing to cancel or curtail your break.

Make sure to check the fine print of your policy and talk to your insurer to check it covers everything you might need on your next trip abroad.

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Pets - Man's Best Friends

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Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. - George Eliot

When I gave him the pain killing injection he just opened his eyes and blinked. He did not move, he just made a small sound. It was then that I began to acknowledge that my beloved dog Caesar was dying. Caesie as I loved to call him, came into our family in 1992. He could talk - he used to greet us in the morning by saying "Hello "and " Morning ". That used to both freak out and amuse people! He also loved to greet me by lifting his front right paw to shake hands. Caesar had a penchant for lifting up my skirt and looking under me. I was even advised by an elderly female relative to "not wear skirts around that dog - Mind he does not rape you". He was the ultimate alpha dog. He did not take kindly to any other male dog (at one time I had seven dogs and had to resort to inventive ways to separate him from the other males). At the time of his passing his companions were two female dogs. Even in his old age, he loved to exert his power over them.

I have always kept pets - not only dogs, but birds, guinea pigs,rabbits and fish and for a short time when I was in primary school, a lizard. That is until Mummy discovered my beloved Lizzie who lived in my bedside lamp shade. Well the rest is history - my Mummy killed Lizzie.

The Oxford Dictionary defines the word "pet" as "an animal that is tamed and treated with affection, kept for companionship or amusement". I estimate that more that half of Jamaican households have pets. They play an important part in our lives and many are treated as 'one of the family'. Pets provide a constant source of enjoyment, companionship and fun, and many thrive in a family and household environment.My pets make me feel good and I daresay that those good feelings stem from the unconditional love that I receive from them.

Many studies show that pets literally make their owners healthier. Research conducted by the University of Minnesota highlighted the importance of regular contact with domestic animals. According to this study, having a cat around the house can cut the risk of having a heart attack or a stroke by almost half. "For years we have known that psychological stress and anxiety are related to cardiovascular events, particularly heart attacks," says Dr Adnan Qureshi, executive director of the Minnesota Stroke Institute at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. According to Qureshi, the research shows that "essentially there is a benefit in relieving those inciting factors from pets". In a recent study, Dr Deborah Wells of Queen's University Belfast found that dog owners tend to suffer less from ill health, have lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. "It is possible that dogs can directly promote our well-being by buffering us from stress," says Dr Wells. A large-scale survey of more than 11,000 Australians, Chinese and Germans also proved pet-owners enjoy better health. Over a five year period, pet owners made 15 - 20% fewer annual visits to the doctor than non pet-owners. The results showed that the healthiest group - those who went to the doctor least - was those who continuously owned a pet. The unhealthiest groups were people who had never owned a pet, or no longer did. The benefit of pet ownership isn't limited to physical well-being. Owning a pet can help recently widowed people in dealing with stress in that they are able to talk to their animals at a time when they feel unable to share their feelings with other people.


In the United States, more than half of all nursing homes, clinics and hospitals use animals in a therapeutic capacity. The effect of dogs or cats is especially dramatic in the clinically depressed patient whose withdrawal can be lessened by the introduction of the pet.


Tests have revealed that stroking dogs and cats can lower the blood pressure and heart rate of humans. This may be related to the simple fact that caring for certain pets introduces added responsibilities, such as exercising the dog and leading a more active life.

Recovery from illness

Pets can aid recovery from illness. Research indicates that owning a pet can improve a person's chances of survival after a life-threatening illness such as a heart attack. Research by psychologist Dr June McNicholas showed that women with breast cancer reported significantly better feelings of control over their disease and treatment if they owned a pet. Animal owners also felt less disfigured after breast cancer surgery and more than 87 per cent said their pet provided them with support in their illness.


It has been scientifically proven that children who grew up with a pet developed better social skills and had a greater respect for all living things around them, than those who did not have the benefits of pet ownership. This happens because children learn that animals consistently show non-judgmental love and loyalty in addition to experiencing pain, hunger, illness and death. Pet ownership helps prepare them for life.

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Worldwide Travel Insurance - Protection While Traveling

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Whether the travelers realize it or not, there are always chances of something going wrong during the period of their travel. The plane they board may crash, their trips may be canceled, their tickets may be lost and there are still a lot of other events to mention. Therefore, it is very important that the travelers make sure they sign up for a worldwide travel insurance plan. There are various advantages that the travelers can obtain by signing up for the insurance plan and these advantages are going to be revealed below.

The worldwide travel insurance is in fact a financial protection that has been especially designed to meet the needs of the travelers. By signing up for such insurance, the travelers will often be eligible for the compensation they deserve in case there is a delay or interruption in their trip.

Should the travelers fall sick or get injured quite seriously during the period of their travel in a foreign country, the travelers will be eligible for immediate necessary treatment at the nearest medical facility. It is not rare to find out that the travelers are even able to choose the facility and the doctor of their preference for the treatment as long as the facility and doctor is included in the network of the travel insurance plan for which the travelers sign up.

Another good thing about such insurance is that the travelers will also be able to receive replacement items in case their baggage is lost or, even worse, stolen. Better yet, the travelers will not have to worry about having to pay a certain amount of money to receive the replacement items. They are usually covered in the travel insurance plan.

However, in case the travelers travel quite frequently, it is of course not so practical if they have to sign up every single time they are going to take a trip, either for leisure or for business purposes. This is when the annual travel insurance comes in pretty handy. With such travel insurance plan, the travelers will only have to sign up once for the insurance plan. Then, they can be sure that they are eligible for the financial protection every time they travel during the whole period of the year.

The worldwide travel insurance is a great protection that every single traveler should consider. With such insurance, their travel will not only be exciting but also very safe and convenient thanks to the various advantages that are offered by the insurance.

© Copyright Richie Setiawan - All rights reserved worldwide.

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Trip Travel Insurance Is Worth The Cost

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If you are planning to take an overseas trip, you should definitely look into purchasing a trip travel insurance policy for yourself, your travel companions and your family. So, you may be asking right about now, what is travel insurance? Travel insurance is a short term policy which usually covers things like medical expenses, financial losses and the like for the duration of a trip, whether domestic or overseas.

The standard coverage of these sort of policies usually includes cancellations and delays in your trip, medical treatment and medical emergencies that may occur on your trip, lost items (think luggage), evacuations when necessary and even accidental deaths. Be sure to read your specific trip travel insurance policy closely, like any kind of insurance policy, trip travel insurance excludes certain situations. Think carefully about what you want covered before purchasing your policy. There are things no policy will cover, consider these circumstances before traveling at all, but especially in terms of buying your policy.

Of course, it is also wise to closely investigate your preexisting insurance policies; some things that a trip travel insurance policy covers may already be covered by your own insurance. And of course, no one needs to buy overlapping coverage. If your own insurance already covers say, medical evacuations, you can safely shop for an annual or single trip travel insurance policy that does not include it.

Travel insurance comes in both single trip and annual policies, both have their strong and weak points. You'll want to think about which best suits your needs. Do you travel frequently? If so, an annual policy may be the best choice for you. If you do not travel so often, and just want some peace of mind for that long-planned vacation, a single trip policy is likely the way to go. Depending on the company offering the policy, different circumstances may or may not be covered. Like any important purchase, shopping around is the way to go.

Both types of trip travel insurance policy will generally cover sickness or injuries that happen while you are on a trip, along with other types of emergencies (such as the aforementioned evacuations, even to the point of transport home if required). Common travel woes like lost baggage, delays and cancellations are standard in trip travel insurance policies also.

There's nothing worse than having one's trip canceled due to unforeseeable circumstances and facing up to non-refundable fees that have already been paid. Trip insurance will cover these losses, which certainly will help put your mind at ease when traveling or planning to. An annual policy will cover you for all trips for entire year, giving you all the security you could hope for when planning your next trip, and the one after that. After all, when you're away from home, you've got enough on your mind already.

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International Airports And Flight Insurance

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There are a few items that are absolutely necessary when planning an international flight, not the least of which is becoming familiar with the airports the traveler will encounter. During the initial planning international travelers should also give some consideration to the need for insurance, making sure that most, if not all, situations are covered.

With all flights, international or domestic, passengers should not go to any airport without becoming familiar with the terminal, location of the gates, correct counter for check-in and so on. Many travelers do not do this and regret their lack of preparation when a situation arises far from home. The options and choices can be overwhelming if the passenger tries to figure them out at the last minute.

The World Wide Web or Internet is a great place to start when searching for basic information about airports, airlines, flight insurance and baggage regulations. While Web sites may not have all the details, most airline companies have started to use the Web as a primary tool for passenger information.

Entering the name of the airport or airports to be encountered during the trip into one of the standard search engines should give each traveler enough information to start with. While the number of choices for information will probably number in the hundreds, it is important to stick with those that deal directly with a particular airline or terminal.

At this point, the research will probably have uncovered a dizzying amount of information. Some of these facts and figures will not apply to every situation, but it would be wise to at least glance at most of the categories. Many airline sites show the same, or similar information. Among the topics covered: incoming flights, outgoing flights, travel rules and regulations, shopping and dining locations in the airports, parking information, insurance basics and so on.

Some travelers go the extra mile and visit an airport to become more familiar with the design and layout. If this is not realistic, some airline or airport Web sites provide a photo tour or floor plans in the form of drawings that will be a great help. Printing these to take along, with tickets and other documents, is a great idea. If the traveler does make a brief discovery trip to the airport before the departure date, some areas will not be accessible without a ticket. But getting a preliminary look at parking, access roads and ticket counters will help.

Many travelers fly to and from international destinations every year, without purchasing extra insurance or insurance that will cover them and their baggage during the flight. The best way to determine if additional insurance is necessary is to ask. Talking with the hometown insurance agent is a good start. Discussing the subject with a travel agent or airline representative may also clear up some of the questions travelers have. During these discussions, passengers may also find the answers to other questions, such as those concerned with parking, dining, baggage limitations etc. There are several sources for this type of information, but in any case, knowing as much as possible about international travel and airports can be useful, even necessary.

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Details of the Borders Rewards Card Application

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This credit card is absolutely ideal for the book lovers out there. If you shop regularly at Borders or Walden books than get ready to start reading! As a card holder you earn great points for shopping at Borders, Walden Books, Borders Express, Borders Outlet and Borders and Walden Books online. With these earned points you can choose to receive a gift certificate to any one of the book stores listed above, gas or restaurant gift cards and many other great options. There is no limit to the points that can be earned so you can start earning right now!

Another added bonus for book lovers is that card holders will automatically be enrolled in the Borders Reward Program where you receive exclusive membership discounts and more! This Borders Rewards card also offers their card holders the standard benefits that no credit card can go without.

o Up to $500,000 in travel insurance

o Auto Rental Insurance

o A variety of travel emergency and services

If you are a card holder who generally carries a large outstanding balance on their credit card than you may find this particular credit card to be a bit more expensive than the others. The Borders Reward card program relies on the Two Cycle Average Daily Balance method to determine the finances that are to be charged to your account. This costs more for people to maintain a daily balance than it does when the Daily Average Balance is used. If maintaining a balance is your style of managing your credit card than this may not be the right card for you.

For card holders who would rather pay off their balances in full than you will find this credit card to be extremely satisfying. With no annual fees and the 0% interest rates on purchases for the first twelve billing cycles you are saving a bundle just by being approved! The application process is simple and easy to access online via their website. Once approved you can spend and earn at the same time!

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What Does Business Car Insurance Involve?

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Just as your personal car or motorbike needs to be insured, vehicles used by your business are also subject to the same legal insurance requirements. But instead of arranging separate cover for each vehicle, you may typically be able to combine the policies under one heading and use your buying power to secure a good deal. This is why business car insurance could be a competitive way of covering your fleet.

There are a number of things to take into account when you are choosing a policy and a provider. It could be useful to have the following pieces of information to hand when you are getting quotes.


How many miles do you and your employees travel per year? Generally speaking, but not always, the more miles you cover, the more expensive the policy will be. It's worth taking a moment to ensure that your estimate of annual mileage is correct, because if you make a claim based on information that subsequently turns out to be false, the insurer could claim that the policy is void.

What about foreign travel?

Your business car insurance policy might include foreign travel as standard, or it could be added as an optional extra. If neither you nor your employees travel abroad in the ordinary course of your business, you could consider leaving this out of the cover to drive down costs.

Who can drive the cars?

Some policies will cover anyone who is employed by you and who is using a company car or van with your permission. However, you may find that it is cheaper to have a regular pool of named people who drive the vehicles. That way you can provide specific information about whether their driving licenses are clean, and whether they have had any accidents.

What about breakdown cover?

Some insurers offer breakdown cover as an extra. This may be a convenient way of organising both types of insurance. However, it could be worth shopping around, as packages that include both may not be the most competitively priced. If you do obtain breakdown cover, ensure that the cars are serviced in accordance with the insurer's requirements to make sure that the cars are kept in the condition they expect.

Where are the cars left overnight?

Just as domestic insurers ask where the cars are kept, commercial insurers are equally as keen to know what happens to your company cars when they return to base. If you have a secure company car park, mention this when you are getting quotes for business car insurance, to ensure that you are getting the credit for reducing the risk of malicious damage and theft.

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Can You Make Money With Pre-Paid Legal?

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Since I am not an associate, nor have I ever been, of Pre-Paid Legal I wanted to write this completely unbiased review to explain how you can make money as a distributor. First of all, let me say that Pre-Paid legal has been around for over 30 years, publicly traded, and is not a scam. It is a legitimate company with a legitimate product (legal services plans) that just happens to have an MLM business model. But, more importantly, the BURNING question we all have is...

Can I Really Make Money With Pre-Paid Legal?

At a meager cost of just $49 to start your business, can a would-be entrepreneur really make any decent coin? Good question. For each legal plan that you sell (which costs $26), you will typically receive $52 PPL pays commissions 1 year in advance like insurance companies, assuming that customers will not drop out. If they do, you will charged back for commissions earned. So, at $52 a sale you better sell a lot, right!

Building A Team With Pre-Paid Legal

Besides just selling legal services plans, you can also build a multi-level marketing team with PPL. This will allow you to leverage your time and efforts and is a much better strategy for making money with Pre-Paid Legal in my opinion. You recruit other network marketers to work under you in your "downline" and you have the ability to earn off of them. Because Pre-Paid Legal is not a scam, you only earn when members of your team sell products (similar to an "override" in corporate sales jargon). The corporate website gives an example that if you had 30 downline members selling 1 plan per week, you would earn $975 per week. This is an over $50,000 annual income from a $49 investment to start your business. Not bad!

Is It Easy To Recruit Others To Pre-Paid Legal?

Well, we've concluded through our research that Pre-Paid Legal is a legitimate home based business opportunity and not a scam. But, if you plan to make money with Pre-Paid Legal, you really need to understand the specific marketing strategies that have been proven to be successful in network marketing/MLM. The old school methods of trying to recruit your friends and family into your new business (something most people do not like to do so they don't) do not work anymore. It is imperative for any would-be marketer of PPL to learn how to market their business online.

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Montgomery, Alabama - Now Focused on the Present and Looking Forward to the Future

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Montgomery, capital city of Alabama, is now focused on the present and looking forward to the future. Until recently, the city, more than some, had been held back by tumultuous past events from as far back as 150 years ago that handicapped its growth and stability:

1. The Civil War, fought to retain slavery, resulted in a ravaged economy of Montgomery and the entire South, along with the end of slavery.

2. Racial segregation and, in the 1950s and 60s, bombings and armed conflicts that resulted in its overthrow, despite vows to retain it forever.

Now, Montgomery has resolved these problems to as great a degree as the rest of the U.S. As a travel writer and IFWTWA member, I participated in the 2009 Montgomery site for the annual Travel Media Showcase. I very much enjoyed my stay in the city and touring many of its historical and culinary offerings.

Over two evenings, my wife and I toured a section of restored downtown buildings that feature, centered in a form of alley, several interesting, fairly new restaurants. One night, we ate barbecue offerings at Dreamland, while another night, we had an Italian dinner of pasta and veal.

For tours, we visited several sites closely tied to struggles that eventually succeeded in ending racial segregation:

1. The museum and restored bus where Rosa Parks challenged segregated seating in public transportation, which eventually led to the Supreme Court decision that overthrew all bus segregation.

2. The home of Dr. Martin Luther King, that survived a bombing in the 50s and the church where he served as senior pastor.

3. The bus depot, where a group of "Freedom Riders", aiming to challenge racial segregation in bus terminals, were attacked in 1961.

4. The State Capitol building, where King delivered a key speech after a civil rights march.

We toured several historical sites connected to slavery and the Confederacy during the Civil War:

1. Court Square fountain, built in 1885, over the site of the city's slave trading pen.

2. The same State Capitol that served briefly as the Confederate capital building and the location outside where Jefferson Davis took his oath as Confederate President.

3. The Confederate White House and presidential residence during the same period.

Several of our TMS group were impressed by visiting the Hyundai automobile plant, which demonstrated present day robotic technical prowess and "Just in Time (JIT) inventory controls of the Korean/U.S. manufacturer.

Tuesday evening, we participated in the opening Travel Media Showcase dinner at the city's Museum of Fine Arts. I was struck by several of its paintings, especially "Mother and Toddler" by Gary Chapman in the area used for receptions and banquets.

I was made aware of several other notable sites that, due to time constraints, I did not visit:

1. Alabama Shakespeare Festival Theater, one of the ten largest theaters in the world devoted to Shakespearean productions.

2. Hank Williams Museum, covering the life and music of the popular country music star.

3. Riverboat cruises on the new Harriott II, navigating the Alabama River.

4. Civil Rights Memorial & Center, which honors the memory of those who died during the struggle to end racial segregation.

In summary, Montgomery has much to offer, in terms of both focusing on historical events and on today. With about 200,000 population in the city proper and about 500,000 population in the Montgomery area, this location is well worth visiting.

Check out http://www.visitingmontgomery.com for more information.

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Holiday Rental in Torrevieja, Long-Term - A Great Place For a Bit of Winter Sun

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Long-term holiday rental in Torrevieja is popular with people who want to get away for a bit of winter sun. An apartment to rent in Torrevieja Spain can be much cheaper than a hotel stay especially if you book your accommodation direct with the owners. Torrevieja is a great choice for a long stay in the low season as facilities like restaurants, shops and bars do not shut for the winter here. If you want to holiday in a large group a villa for hire in Spain in Torrevieja may be even better value as villas can often accommodate more people.

Torrevieja is on the Costa Blanca in Spain, south of Alicante airport, and used to be just a small fishing village. Recently it has grown in size and population mostly due to the large numbers of people moving permanently to Torrevieja from the north of Europe or buying holiday homes in the area. In Torrevieja there are plenty of people with a privately owned villa for hire in Spain who are keen to rent out their property for a longer stay in the winter months. Consequently many people looking for a holiday rental in Torrevieja are abandoning the usual package holidays on offer and are now finding that they can save money by booking independently.

Many people who are thinking of re-locating to Spain find that a long stay holiday rental in Torrevieja is a cost-effective way of spending time in the area. A long stay in the low season can be quite a different experience from a 'holiday fortnight' in the summer! A long stay apartment to rent in Torrevieja Spain can be a great way to a get a feel for the area, in the winter as well as the summer months.

A long stay holiday rental in Torrevieja is also favoured by many retired people who have the time to take a long, well-earned break. It can be just as cheap to spend several weeks in the winter sunshine in Spain as to stay in the UK and spend your money on heating bills! You can find an apartment to rent in Torrevieja Spain long stay by searching on the internet. Many owners with a villa for hire in Spain will give generous discounts on their prices for a long let in the winter months.

For some people a long stay holiday rental in Torrevieja could be the answer to shrinking holiday budgets. If you can't stretch to a holiday in the peak season you may well be able to afford a long break in the low season when generally longer rentals mean a cheaper overall price. Torrevieja is ideal for a winter break as it doesn't close down in the winter months and has year round sunshine and an average temperature of 18 C.

Lastly, when you have made all the arrangements for your long holiday rental in Torrevieja, don't forget to check your travel insurance to ensure it covers the whole period that you are away. Most annual policies will not cover you for single trips of over one month in duration. Also make sure you get a free European Health Insurance Card which will give you access to medical treatment while you are in Spain.

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About Single Travel Insurance

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Going away for a weekend break or for that annual week or two away with the family. Then single trip insurance is ideal for you. A single trip insurance policy will cover you for all you basic needs whilst you are away on your holiday. This is the most popular type of insurance for people to take out and is usually fairly priced with many providers letting children be insured for free.

What will be covered?

Most companies offer various levels of cover starting from basic to a high level of cover. Basic policies will usually have a higher excess and lower cover limits whereas the top policies will have no excess meaning that if something was to happen whilst you were away you will not have to pay any money at all. Also think about what you will be doing on your trip. Are you going skiing then make sure you take out specialist ski insurance otherwise you will not be covered. In general most standard single trip policies do not cover any sports or adventure tours. If you are going to be doing adventure sports then it is best to take out backpacker cover as they are usually covered as standard. If you are going to be taking expensive electrical equipment such as a laptop or MP3 player then make sure that the cover you are provided is ample to cover your costs of the equipment as some may only pay out to a certain amount. It maybe worth to pay extra to get them covered to there full worth.

What to look out for

24 hour assistance
Lost & stolen property protection
Liabiltiy cover
Cancellation and curtailment
Personal accident cover
Legal expenses cover
Terrorism Cover (Now becoming standard)

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How to Find Cheap Travel Insurance For Backpackers

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Backpackers tend to spend a lot of time at remote places, train stations and bus terminals. There are times they may face a greater risk of illness, injury or even robberies.

It would therefore be prudent to buy backpackers travel insurance before leaving for your backpacking holiday. Travel insurance for backpackers is designed specifically for the needs of backpackers, generally offering travel insurance for holiday periods ranging from one week to two years.

To find cheap travel insurance for backpackers, be sure that the package you choose eventually provides cover for the following events:

Rescue and Repatriation to cover any cost you may incur if you require the use of an air ambulance or helicopter rescue.
Emergency Medical Cover to cover the cost of any event that needs urgent medical attention.
Holiday Cancellation to cover any costs that you may incur if your holiday has to be cancelled through no fault of yours, such as bad weather or airline strikes.
Baggage and Possessions Cover to reimburse you, subject to a cap, in case your travel documents, baggage and valuables are lost or stolen.

If you intend to go backpacking several times a year, buy the annual-multiple plan. This allows you to backpack two, three, sometimes even more times a year and the insurance will cover it, as long as you travel within the period of cover. Buying one insurance policy a year to cover multiple trips will save you at least ten percent.

Look out for plans that throw in extras such as seven days' complimentary coverage for winter sports. Backpackers love the flexibility of being able to change their travel itinerary as and when they like. They may feel like making an unplanned stopover and spend a few days skiing. Having an insurance plan that gives you this flexibility will save you money and still allow you to enjoy one extra activity while being insured.

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Five Excellent Tips on Buying Low Cost Car Insurance

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Most people pay too much for their automobile insurance because they don't do a little homework before they buy. A quick two minutes with this article may save you hundreds of dollars in premiums. If you haven't shopped around lately for "low cost car insurance", you may be spending more money than necessary. Let's see if these tips help you keep more of your money in your pocket!

1) The Internet

I have friends who are local agents in the insurance business. I don't buy my auto policies from them. I buy my car insurance on the Internet. Someone has to pay that local agent's commission and it's sure not going to be the insurance firm. That cost is passed directly on to you.

2) Comparison Shop

This is the most important tip I can give you. If you want to find auto insurance discounts, you've got to check out at least six company web sites and get free car insurance quotes. It may take a few minutes of filling out forms on each site to get a quote, but where else can you save this kind of money. Another plus to buying online car insurance is that you're not dealing directly with a smooth talking agent that can make you feel a sense of obligation. DO THIS EVERY YEAR!

3) Group and Good Credit Discounts

Look for low cost car insurance companies that offer affinity and good credit discounts. If you belong to large retirement associations, travel clubs, recreational vehicle clubs and other large groups, you may qualify for reduced rates. Good credit scores mean better rates,too, so keep your bills paid on time. Another way to lower your auto insurance is to monitor your kid's study habits. Many insurance companies offer discount car insurance for good students.

4) Your Lifestyle

Low annual vehicle mileage, an excellent driving record and living in an area with a lower crime rate all contribute to low cost car insurance premiums. The type of vehicle your drive can have an impact on price. It's obvious that the more expensive your car is, the higher it is to insure. Also, keep your car garaged every night and, if possible, use a security system.

5) The Policy Deductible

Your deductible should be examined every year. Circumstances change and you may not have young drivers at home anymore, or your income is such that you can self insure more of the deductible. Raising the deductible on your auto insurance may be a good bet.

Research your car insurance premiums annually, instead of just automatically renewing your present policy. A premium difference of a few hundred dollars is worth the time it takes to find low cost car insurance.

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Compare Insurance Price Deals Online

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Are you looking for somewhere you can do all your insurance policy shopping in one place? Maybe it is that time of year when your car insurance renewal is due along with your home buildings and contents insurance. You may have a whole host of other cover needs such as pet insurance, travel insurance, health , life , wedding insurance, mortgage protection, or even your own business insurance. If so, read on to find out more.

It can be difficult navigating the web and some of the comparison sites are bewildering. we have taken efforts to look for the best deals available from the major and most reputable insurance companies across a wide range of different types of insurance provision as mentioned above along with others such as mortgage rate comparisons, motorcycle insurance, liability (Public and Indemnity) insurance and van insurance.

We recognise the importance of each area of insurance and we have therefore dedicated a page to each type of insurance and selected appropriate insurers for each category so it is easy for you the online insurance shopper to navigate easily using this unique service and obtain insurance quotes from your favorite insurers. This will save you time surfing the net for each company individually. Also, most other insurance comparison sites will give you a best price but you need to be aware of many other factors when buying any insurance and these are just a few of the tips and advice you will find when you visit our site:

Compare Insurance Price - Advice for Buying Insurance

At all times protect your no claims bonus - it is generally worth paying slightly extra every month to retain your no claims bonus - a must if you have established over 3 years no claims bonus.

If your insurance premium is likely to exceed £1000 per year, it is worth obtaining between 8-10 quotes as you are likely to find a better deal.

For car insurance quotes, find out whether you are guaranteed a courtesy car. Some insurance companies include it free, others don't guarantee it, and some charge extra. Be sure to ask.

Only take out additional accidental damage cover if you really need it - insurers will always ask if you want it but saying yes could increase your premium by an additional 25% when the standard cover will probably be enough for your requirements.

For buildings insurance quotes be aware that re-building costs are not the same as the market value of your home. Generally re-build costs are less than half the cost of your property. If you over estimate the re-build price you will be overcharged. Never under estimate the re-build cost or you will be not be adequately insured in the event of a claim. ASK your insurers advice about this.

-Never under estimate your contents and possessions. Take a comprehensive and accurate inventory of each room in your home as even old furniture and carpets are expensive to replace. Most people miscalculate their contents when it comes to buying new items to replace what has been damaged or stolen.

-If you go on holiday more than two times in any year, an annual travel insurance policy will probably be more cost effective than buying several single trip policies. Have a closer look At
Compare Insurance Price

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Your Medical Insurance May Not Cover You When You Travel

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If you open your passport to page two, you will see a warning that says that anyone who is considering foreign travel should find out what travel medical health insurance coverage, they will require while they are outside the United States. For any US citizen going abroad, Medicare does not cover the medical care costs outside the US and US territories, except in rare cases in Canada and Mexico.

In fact, it might surprise you to learn that many international travelers travel without appropriate and adequate insurance protection. US Government sponsored health insurance programs, like Medicare, are highly unlikely to cover any emergency medical care that you may have to receive in a foreign country.

Even employer sponsored plans usually have limited overseas coverage, for emergency care only, provided you can prove the emergency. Whether you are traveling on business or for pleasure, you probably have gaps in your travel medical coverage that you are not even aware of.

Always remember that adequate travel medical insurance is critical for any international travel. Getting good healthcare may be a tricky business in itself in some parts of the world.

Some hospitals, the world over do not provide treatment or allow a discharge until they receive a guarantee of payment. In most cases, such a guarantee can most easily be provided by your travel medical insurer.

So, if you don't have adequate cover, you may have to pay in thousands of dollars advance, with your credit card, provided the hospital accepts a foreign credit card, which many don't.

In addition, in that pinch situation, your card must also have a large enough credit limit to cover the estimated cost of medical care.

Also, getting sudden medical evacuation, to return to the US, where the healthcare is of a known level and your regular insurance is good enough, can be even trickier.

Local authorities usually have tie-ups with certain evacuation companies, which may not recognize either your credit card or your domestic insurance.

Most of the travel medical insurance plans, however, include medical assistance benefit giving you 24/7 access to a creditable evacuation company or will actually arrange for an evacuation through their own medical personnel.

If you have medical insurance cover in the US, assess the plan that you have. Check with your insurance provider and determine exactly what kind of coverage you have, under the existing policy.

If you feel that the provided cover is not enough, have your travel medical insurance cover increased before you ever leave home. If you don't already have insurance, you know how difficult things can sometimes get. Think about how much worse it can be in a foreign and unfamiliar country.

There are three major types of travel medical insurance coverage to be considered before you leave. Most reputed travel insurance products will offer either all three of these, or, at least two of them:

- Supplemental medical and accident insurance pays for the doctor and the hospital bills. May sometimes include dental care as well as medications. Does not cover preventive care, including annual physicals.

- Medical Evacuation plans take care of expensive evacuations which can cost as much as $50,000. In addition to the insurance cover, they should provide assistance in arranging the evacuation.

- Trip cancellation or interruption plans cover you financially in case you suddenly need to cancel or interrupt your trip for a medical reason. If you can't take the vacation because of a personal or family illness, the insurance will reimburse you for the non-refundable parts of the trip.

Find and purchase a comprehensive, secure and worldwide travel medical insurance plan. Don't leave home without it.

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