Going away for a weekend break or for that annual week or two away with the family. Then single trip insurance is ideal for you. A single trip insurance policy will cover you for all you basic needs whilst you are away on your holiday. This is the most popular type of insurance for people to take out and is usually fairly priced with many providers letting children be insured for free.
What will be covered?
Most companies offer various levels of cover starting from basic to a high level of cover. Basic policies will usually have a higher excess and lower cover limits whereas the top policies will have no excess meaning that if something was to happen whilst you were away you will not have to pay any money at all. Also think about what you will be doing on your trip. Are you going skiing then make sure you take out specialist ski insurance otherwise you will not be covered. In general most standard single trip policies do not cover any sports or adventure tours. If you are going to be doing adventure sports then it is best to take out backpacker cover as they are usually covered as standard. If you are going to be taking expensive electrical equipment such as a laptop or MP3 player then make sure that the cover you are provided is ample to cover your costs of the equipment as some may only pay out to a certain amount. It maybe worth to pay extra to get them covered to there full worth.
What to look out for
24 hour assistance
Lost & stolen property protection
Liabiltiy cover
Cancellation and curtailment
Personal accident cover
Legal expenses cover
Terrorism Cover (Now becoming standard)
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